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Our mission at CeLCAR is to foster interest in and knowledge of Central Asian languages and their cultures while meeting strategic national needs.

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Every year, students from around the country come to Indiana University to learn languages many of us have never heard of. Now why would they do that?

Description of the video:

OK to pick up from where we started yesterday we're going to be talking about perimeter still instead of just regular shapes or ordinary polygons we're going to be talking about irregular shapes where we have to split our perimeter so in this example instead of starting by just adding them together and getting thirty. I have to cut my shape that's Kearny we have a new student. Class Let's welcome aside go ahead have so the perimeter here would be sixty and on the rectangle I would add together my four sides that I now. With with with. The law of. The LA. Area we're measuring the inside of the area with. And the western stars are that is our way ties are with. Look in your word box here at the top we have animals we're going to categorize in the sea so our words don't make sense. To a. Category just a long. Way another pretty simple one you can look at is a jellyfish fish and starfish are in the same category so I just leave fish. I was no harm. To. The letter. With. My.