Image Collection

Example of contributed pictures

People of Kabul Nasrullo Khojayori
Old man under the tree Nasrullo Khojayori
Shakarob Nasrullo Khojayori
Man in the market in Tashkent Bill Fierman
Uzbekistan Bill Fierman
Uzbekistan Bill Fierman
Afghanistan J Norman
Balkh City Horse J Norman
Smiling Girls, Afghanistan J Norman
Uzbekistan Razik
Uzbekistan Razik
Mongolia Tserenchunt Legden
Kyrgyzstan Zafer Dincer
Kyrgyzstan Zafer Dincer
Kyrgyzstan Zafer Dincer

We look forward to see everyone attended our ConCALL and make new friends in 2020! Learn more about ConCALL 2020 by contacting Amber Kennedy Kent at