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Note that following corrections have to be entered manually:

     1. In a few Arabic loanwords, the combination [s’h] is used to distinguish it from [sh], which corresponds with the Cyrillic [ш]. The converter will change [s’h] into [съҳ]. Please delete the [ъ]: Is’hoq-Исъҳоқ-Исҳоқ, as’hob-асъҳоб -асҳоб, mas’h- масъҳ-масҳ
     2. In a number of loanwords, the Cyrillic [ъ] is spelled as [y] in Romanized Uzbek. The converter will omit [ъ]. Please manually correct it: subyekt–субект–субъект, podyezd-подезд–подъезд, syezd-сезд–съезд
   3. Loanwords using the Cyrillic [ь] are spelled without the [ь] in Romanized Uzbek. These loanwords are converted without [ь]. Please manually correct it: golf-голф-гольф, albom-албом-альбом, iyun-июн- июнь, folklore-фолклор-фольклор
     4. In a few loanwords, the Cyrillic [ь] is spelled as [y] followed by [o] in Romanized Uzbek. The converter will change the letters [yo] to [ё]. Please replace [ё] with [ьо]: pavilyon-павилён-павильон, pochtalyon-почталён-почтальон
     5. In Romanized Uzbek, to indicate Cyrillic [ц] when it is used within a word, the combination [ts] is used. The converter will change [ts] to [тс]. Please replace [тс] with [ц]: konferentsiya-конферентсия- конференция, litsey-литсей-лицей
     6. In Romanized Uzbek, to indicate the Cyrillic [ц] in the word-initial position, [s] is used. The converter will change [s] to [с]. Please replace [с] with [ц]: sement-семент-цемент, sentner-сентнер-центнер, sirkul-cирkул-циркул, siklon-сиклон-циклон
     7. When converting from Cyrilic to Latin, [ь] is omitted. In a few number of words it is replaced by [y], which should be corrected manually: павильон-pavilon- pavilyon, почтальон- pochtalon -pochtalyon
     8. When converting from Cyrilic to Latin, [ъ] = [‘]. In a few number of words it is replaced by [y], which should be corrected manually: субъект-sub’ekt–subyekt, подъезд-pod’ezd-podyezd, съезд-s’ezd-syezd